
Reflections on 2024
As 2024 draws to a close, we are delighted to again report high levels of positive outcomes for the young people and other members of the community we have supported over the past 12 months. We have provided support to nearly 1000 people in West Dunbartonshire through our Training Academy and evening youth groups, alongside providing sessions in Primary and Secondary Schools. We also delivered fun activities for young people during the school holidays as part of the Easter and Summer Shine programmes, funded by West Dunbartonshire Council. Our Social Enterprises, The Common Good Café and Fashion Fix Pop-up Sale have provided 108 people a work placement and given real life work experience and support to progress into future employment.
As an organisation, we pride ourselves on our ability to remain agile and responsive to the needs within the community. It was brought to our attention by young people that there was a lack of provision for LGBTQ+ support in West Dunbartonshire. In response, we launched the Tullochan LGBTQ+ Youth Action Group, running on Wednesday nights providing support and a welcoming environment for 16–25-year-olds.
This year, we also launched Timber Transitions - a practical work placement programme, for unemployed or economically inactive clients aged 16 to 67. We teach basic woodwork skills and improve numeracy through practical woodwork sessions. The budgeting, practical, life and work skills gained through the project has helped participants move forward into sustainable employment, education, or training.
As part of West Dunbartonshire Council’s ‘No One Left Behind’ employability provision, we have provided support to the community over the past year, with a particular focus on tackling child poverty. We increased our engagement to include those aged 25+ and established our Positive Pathways for Parents Project. This has been delivered from both the Training Academy and in local Primary Schools, making it easier for parents to take part in the sessions and improve their Employability and Personal Development skills. Childcare is not an issue for the parents taking part in the project - our team are there to deliver fun sessions for their children. We’ve had great feedback from participants and are delighted with how the project has started – we look forward to delivering more sessions in the new year.
This year, we’ve provided free meals at each of our project sessions for young people, parent groups and volunteers alongside drinks and snacks at our evening youth groups, helping to address food insecurity in the local community.
Richie Gallacher, Tullochan CEO
I am incredibly proud of Tullochan’s achievements in 2024 – the dedication shown by our Development Workers, Head Office staff and Social Enterprise team to support young people and their families this year has been amazing! We have continued to remain flexible and adapt to the ever-changing needs of our community – establishing new projects and activities to help those we support reach their full potential. All of this has been delivered amidst the continuing cost of living crisis and difficult financial conditions where charities face increased challenges in sourcing funding.
Thank you to all our funders, donors, and partner organisations for helping Tullochan provide positive pathways for young people to develop and progress positively. Thank you to the Tullochan Board for their support and the Tullochan team for all their hard work and the passion they bring to the organisation. Thank you to the young people for their hard work and effort they have put in to achieve their goals. Thank you also to all our Common Good and Fashion Fix customers – your custom is an investment in local young people.
In 2025, we will continue to provide tailored support to those most in need and build stronger partnerships with local people and business. If you would like to help by volunteering, can offer a work placement for a young person, or offer any other type of support, please get in touch!
Finally, as we end another remarkable year at Tullochan, we’d like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Current Events
JPMorganChase - Force For Good
Richie, Alex & Rhona had the pleasure of attending the Force For Good showcase at JPMorganChase in Glasgow, to celebrate our latest project. The team were tasked with developing our website and an ecommerce platform to sell products from Tullochan Designs.
We’d like to extend our thanks to the FFG team for all their support and effort over the last few months - we've learned a lot! Check out our new range using the shop tag above.
The National Lottery Turns 30!
The National Lottery turned 30 last month and we were fortunate enough to be part of the celebrations and showcase what we do here at Tullochan! Richie, our Chief Executive talks to Kate Still (TNL Scotland Chair) about the impact our services have on our local community. We wouldn't be able to deliver such projects without funding from The National Lottery Community Fund. A huge thank you for your continued support and a very happy birthday from everyone here at Tullochan!
Past Events
Tullochan Summer Shine
Young people in West Dunbartonshire were invited along to attend our Summer Shine Programme. Funded by West Dunbartonshire Council, Tullochan delivered outdoor sessions for children aged 7-12. Breakfast/lunch was provided by our Social Enterprise café - The Common Good. Children participated in activities such as Highland Games, Photography and Kite Making. The young people said they had a great time and made lots of new friends.
Timber Transitions
Timber Transitions is an exciting new intergenerational project within our Training Academy. Both younger and older generations are able to participate in a hands-on creative woodwork project - creating something from scratch. Our first cohort has just finished and have completed their birdhouses. You can find out more information on Timber Transitions through our social media, or by contacting Kevin -
Talk About Trust - Training the Trainers
Staff at Tullochan attended two great courses last week with Shona Johnston from The Talk About Trust in alcohol awareness & cannabis education. Thanks for coming along to deliver to us here at Tullochan, we all thoroughly enjoyed it and look forward to putting our knowledge into future sessions.
Friday Nights @ The Common Good Cafe
The Common Good Cafe’s Friday Night takeaways are back! Our café is offering delicious food for your Friday night treat. Open from 4.30pm-8.00pm, slots are available to book for collection via social media or by calling the café.
Reflections on 2023
As the year ends, we’d like to reflect on the past 12 months, celebrate successes and give thanks to those who have continued to support our organisation.
In 2023 we consolidated our services, bringing the Training Academy and our youth development delivery into our Dumbarton base. Having all our services in the one location alongside the Common Good Cafe has improved accessibility for the young people who we support and further strengthened our team morale.
Primary Project
We have continued to provide high quality programmes across West Dunbartonshire in both Primary and High schools. This year we have supported over 700 young people and 40 family groups to develop new skills and learning, improve wellbeing and increase confidence. Our tailored programmes have supported young people to gain new skills for life, learning and work and we have increased environmental knowledge through our RSPB and John Muir Programmes – helping young people have fun in the outdoors while learning to take pride and preserve their local wild areas.
We are extremely proud of the impact we have brought to the lives of the young people we have supported in 2023 and we’ve had some lovely feedback from school staff and parents, detailed below:
“L’s confidence has burst so much! Their knowledge and understanding of nature is crazy! Thank you for building her for future adventures.”
“I think it has helped J so much, with his behaviour and attitude. Thank you!”
Training Academy
2023 has been another successful year in delivering support to young people aged 14-25. Over the past 12 months we have provided tailored, wraparound support to over 200 young people. Our support has been shaped by their needs and guided by the goals and outcomes they want to achieve. To date we have supported 150 young people to achieve a positive destination, these include re-engaging with education, moving on to college, securing employment and progressing into further training. We always want to help young people to achieve a progression that is the right one for them and help them build the capacity to sustain their positive choices.
As an accredited REHIS (The Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland) delivery centre, we have provided opportunities for young people and the wider community to access quality training and achieve a vocational qualification to help them progress into employment. In 2023 we delivered 130 REHIS qualifications and will continue to develop our qualifications centre in 2024.
Social Enterprises
We are extremely grateful for our ongoing partnership with BOOHOO as their support and monthly donations have enabled our Social Enterprise Fashion Fix to hold regular ‘pop up sales’ from our Dumbarton Offices. The pop-up sales offer our customers the chance to pick up a bargain with most items priced between £2-£10 and importantly the money generated from the sales is reinvested into supporting local young people.
Our Social Enterprise Cafe and training kitchen, ‘The Common Good’, has continued to grow in 2023. Over the 12 months, 80 young people completed a work placement in the kitchen – developing new skills and confidence in a supported work environment. The Common Good kitchen was upgraded this year with commercial appliances thanks to West Dunbartonshire Council’s Cost of Living Capital Fund. This has increased our productivity and our capacity to explore other avenues of income, such as catering services for businesses and local events and the launch of our evening take-away service - ‘Friday Night’s at The Common Good’.
Our Friday night service piloted over November and December and will be launched fully in 2024. Feedback from customers has been extremely positive:
“Another awesome takeaway. The parmesan and garlic fries are just amazing. Huge portions!”
“That was absolutely brilliant, best enchilada we’ve had in a good while! Coleslaw should be sold in bulk! Thanks again”
Partnership Working & Funding
We have formed a strong partnership with West Dunbartonshire Council and particularly the Working 4U team. This year we were funded to deliver support as part of the council’s No One Left Behind programme alongside other partners in the employability pipeline. This funding has enabled Tullochan to continue offering tailored employability support to young people aged 16-25 and also increase the scope of our reach to include those aged 25 and over.
Like many in the third sector, we found that funding has become increasingly difficult to secure in the current economic climate. Alongside the funding from West Dunbartonshire council, we have been fortunate to receive ongoing funding support from Inspring Scotland’s Our Future Now Fund, The National Lottery Improving Lives Fund, The Robertson Trust, Garfield Weston, The Gannochy Trust, Agnes Hunter Trust, The Bairdwatson Trust, Barratt Homes and the Jeffrey Charitable Trust Without their assistance, Tullochan would not be able to provide the support needed within West Dunbartonshire.
Tullochan continues to collaborate with as many local agencies as possible, such as Tell Training, Skills Development Scotland, Job Centre Plus and West Dunbartonshire Council. We received funding from The National Lottery Community fund to create a warm space for those in the local area who might need some extra support during the winter months. This has developed over the course of the year and in conjunction with West Dunbartonshire Council’s No One Left Behind delivery, includes sessions for local people aged over 25 who can benefit employability support, access to technology or something hot to eat.
This year we were also delighted to be selected as part of JPMorgan and Chase’s ‘Force for Good’ programme. We worked alongside Tech professionals who provided their time and expertise to help us to create a new Tullochan website. In the past 12 months we have continued to make new partnerships in the local area - working with Alternatives to undertake a gardening programme at Knowetop, building positive relationships with Barratt Homes, ASDA, No Limits Brewing, Ginger Breadman Café, and Broomhill FC.
Chief Executive Comments
Richie Gallacher, Chief Executive: I am extremely proud of Tullochan’s achievements in 2023. Our dedicated Training Academy, Social Enterprise and Head Office team have worked tirelessly through the year to support young people and their families across West Dunbartonshire and Argyll and Bute. We are honoured to have played such an important role in helping so many young people develop new skills, gain qualifications, and build the confidence to progress positively.
Over the year, our Social Enterprise ‘The Common Good’ provided invaluable support for young people undertaking work placements and the cafe has continued to grow commercially with an exciting new evening takeaway service. I’d like to thank all the customers from our Social Enterprise - The Common Good, Fashion Fix and Tullochan Designs - their custom allows us to continue supporting local young people.
Our service delivery over the past 12 months has been set against the backdrop of the ongoing cost-of-living crisis. Despite these challenges, we leave the year in a strong position in terms of funding and delivery outcomes and as we move into 2024, we will continue to build on this and offer positive pathways for the young people and wider community of West Dunbartonshire.
So, as 2023 ends, we’d like to extend our thanks to all who have helped support Tullochan this year, to those who have given up their time to help with a project, to the staff who deliver our programmes daily and to our donors, without your support we would not be able to help those in the community who need it most.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Force For Good - JPMorgan & Chase Co.
We were invited along to JPMorgan & Chase Co. “Force for Good” event, where our new website was showcased to attendees.
Tullochan have been working alongside the Force for Good team for the last 8 months, developing our new website.
We think it looks great, thank you for your help and support over the last few months.
The National Lottery Community Fund
We are delighted to announce that we’ve been awarded a multi-year grant from The National Lottery Community Fund.
Awarded to our Training Academy - Providing Positive Pathways - we will use this funding to develop and expand our work with marginalised young people in West Dunbartonshire.
This project will be delivered from our based in Dumbarton, supporting young people experiencing challenging circumstances to build confidence, resilience, self-esteem whilst delivering practical life skills, vocational training and work placements.
The Training Academy will recruit and train volunteers to support delivery within our project, allowing peer-to-peer and inter-generational mentoring.